Just a moment...
Hey there, I'm Collin.
A Digital Product Designer
At Citibank in New York City, currently at the intersection of UX and Service Design Strategy on the Generative AI team. Here is a chronicle of my work across mobile and web apps in the fintech, HR tech, athletic hardware and real estate spaces.
Advising and Mentoring
It sounds Cliché, but I believe it takes a village. At least it did for me. Breaking into and maintaining my career in design was no easy task, and I try my best to continue to absorb all that I can and share it with those that are just starting out. Outside of this, I usually partner with startups, small businesses, or even an indie game company to always keep myself challenged and growing in new ways.
I'm not a rockstar
Teamwork Made it Happen
I've had the privilege of working alongside a pretty good group of people throughout my career. From fresh upstarts to future household names, these collaborations have enriched my professional journey. I'm humbled to call such outstanding people my friends and collaborators, as their contributions have been essential to my experiences and accomplishments.
Kind Words
"Collin showed a great ability to not only quickly ramp up (on a complex product), but maintain a high level of intentionality in his work. Juggling well over a dozen use cases Collin created a consistent and scalable design system we'll use for a long time. It was a pleasure working with him!"
"Collin's attention to detail and open-mindedness fostered a truly enhanced software experience for our customers and I cannot wait for it to go live! In addition, Collin's work ethic and creativity will bring value to any company looking to have someone with design and user needs as a top priority."
"The ideas guy, always pushing us to stay up to date on trends and practices. It’s thanks only to Collin that our site looks like a modern, software documentation site. Collin's strengths that'll bring value to your organization include his passion for innovation, his ability to network with other teams, and his ability to receive feedback professionally."
"Collin was the TA for my UX Design Bootcamp experience at Burlington Code Academy, and he consistently went above and beyond for us. He hosted useful evening workshops on topics like Figma shortcuts, provided valuable feedback on all of our projects, met with each of us individually several times throughout the course, and passed along so many useful resources for us to continue our UX education. He also put so much effort into buoying our spirits when the bootcamp was reaching its maximum intensity. I can’t recommend him enough."